1st Semester – February intensive Italian course – A2 level

This page is available in italian

The  course will take place in person at the CLA (via Ostiense 123-129, Block A).

It is open to Roma Tre students only (not Erasmus or bilateral agreements); level A2 only is offered.
The course is free of charge and will only be activated with a minimum of 8 participants.
It consists of presence meetings, 5 times a week (40 hours) for three weeks, plus PC/online practice and individual study (60 hours at least).
Class attendance is mandatory.
Students do not receive ECTS for this course.


On-line Enrolment: 1 December 2024 -15 January 2025

Placement test at the CLA (written and oral): 29 January 2025 at CLA

Activities: 3-21 February 2025

Final test: 21 February 2025


Enrolled students will be contacted by e-mail for information on course start and schedule. (Please check your e-mail and spam folder).

Link identifier #identifier__137968-2ONLINE REGISTRATION  *

*Registration implies tacit cLink identifier #identifier__94170-3onsent to the processing of personal data by Roma Tre University and the ICoN Consortium, a university consortium which may provide the online exercises.

Admin 13 Giugno 2024